
Testing support for streaming applications.


Allows testing of a streaming application by creation conditions on streams that are expected to become valid during the processing. Tester is designed to be used with Python’s unittest module.

A complete application may be tested or fragments of it, for example a sub-graph can be tested in isolation that takes input data and scores it using a model.

Supports execution of the application on STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE, DISTRIBUTED or STANDALONE.

A Tester instance is created and associated with the Topology to be tested. Conditions are then created against streams, such as a stream must receive 10 tuples using tuple_count().

Here is a simple example that tests a filter correctly only passes tuples with values greater than 5:

import unittest
from streamsx.topology.topology import Topology
from streamsx.topology.tester import Tester

class TestSimpleFilter(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        # Sets self.test_ctxtype and self.test_config

    def test_filter(self):
        # Declare the application to be tested
        topology = Topology()
        s = topology.source([5, 7, 2, 4, 9, 3, 8])
        s = s.filter(lambda x : x > 5)

        # Create tester and assign conditions
        tester = Tester(topology)
        tester.contents(s, [7, 9, 8])

        # Submit the application for test
        # If it fails an AssertionError will be raised.
       tester.test(self.test_ctxtype, self.test_config)

A stream may have any number of conditions and any number of streams may be tested.

A local_check() is supported where a method of the unittest class is executed once the job becomes healthy. This performs checks from the context of the Python unittest class, such as checking external effects of the application or using the REST api to monitor the application.

A test fails-fast if any of the following occur:
  • Any condition fails. E.g. a tuple failing a tuple_check().

  • The local_check() (if set) raises an error.

  • The job for the test:
    • Fails to become healthy.

    • Becomes unhealthy during the test run.

    • Any processing element (PE) within the job restarts.

A test timeouts if it does not fail but its conditions do not become valid. The timeout is not fixed as an absolute test run time, but as a time since “progress” was made. This can allow tests to pass when healthy runs are run in a constrained environment that slows execution. For example with a tuple count condition of ten, progress is indicated by tuples arriving on a stream, so that as long as gaps between tuples are within the timeout period the test remains running until ten tuples appear.


The test timeout value is not configurable.


The submitted job (application under test) has additional elements (streams & operators) inserted to implement the conditions. These are visible through various APIs including the Streams console raw graph view. Such elements are put into the Tester category.


The package streamsx.testing provides nose plugins to provide control over tests without having to modify their source code.

Changed in version 1.9: - Python 2.7 supported (except with Streaming Analytics service).

Module contents



Testing support for a Topology.