
Application state.


Stateful applications are ones that include callables that are classes and thus can maintain state as instance variables.

By default any state is reset to its initial state after a processing element (PE) restart. A restart may occur due to:

  • a failure in the PE or its resource,

  • a explicit PE restart request,

  • or a parallel region width change (IBM Streams 4.3 or later)

The application or a portion of it may be configured to maintain state after a PE restart by one of two mechanisms.

  • Consistent region. A consistent region is a subgraph where the states of callables become consistent by processing all the tuples within defined points on a stream. After a PE restart all callables in the region are reset to the last consistent point, so that the state of all callables represents the processing of the same input tuples to the region.

  • Checkpointing, each stateful callable is checkpointed periodically and after a PE restart its callables are reset to their most recent checkpointed state.

    • streamsx.topology.topology.Topology.checkpoint_period

Stateful callables

Use of a class instance allows a transformation (for example map()) to be stateful by maintaining state in instance attributes across invocations.

When the callable is in a consistent region or checkpointing then it is serialized using dill. The default serialization may be modified by using the standard Python pickle mechanism of __getstate__ and __setstate__. This is required if the state includes objects that cannot be serialized, for example file descriptors. For details see See .

If the callable as __enter__ and __exit__ context manager methods then __enter__ is called after the object has been deserialized by dill. Thus __enter__ is used to recreate runtime objects that cannot be serialized such as open files or sockets.

Module contents



A ConsistentRegionConfig configures a consistent region.